segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2017

The power of self-confidence

First we have to do an auto analysis of what you do or intend to do, making clear your expectations and evidences in your field of work or in your personal life.

Make a schedule (list) or make a table with your main strengths and weaknesses, and try to improve your self-esteem every day, being your main decision tool.

Work better on the search for important results, because self-confidence comes with time and this can take time or it can come as soon as possible, be aware of everything that happens and try to make the best use of it. However, the person who has his elaborate esteem can quietly gain his self-confidence, depending only on fulfilling and exercising well what he is proposed to do.

Leave the interests superfluous (which are not important), and work better to not underestimate too much, disrupting your decisions in your professional career and even personal.

Stay true to your purpose and value every minute of yourself with fluent ideas and ideas that may be worth it to the right people.

The word optimism and the will to grow or to win professionally should fit in your dictionary, raising your self-esteem, your meaning and your life project, valuing what you have.

It's like success, comes with time, dedication, perseverance, commitment, and dignifies your true worth, failure serves to strengthen you more.

We each have our personal and professional goals and desires, but in order to materialize we have to be firm in that purpose.

Being self-reliant is not being stingy, arrogant, proud, self-seeking, opportunistic, impatient, they are attitudes that should be banned.

The self-confident should be clear, determined, persistent, patient, calm, seeking a better quality of life for him and those he wants well, regardless of his age or sex.

Review positive concepts in your favor and move on.

Text by: Adilson Luiz Lemes

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