Many companies now diavem adopting a very current concept and makes many people with some physical or mental problem can work normally.
This is very good for the visually impaired with speech problems, who do not listen and who need an opportunity to work.
The company trains and empowers those disabled and draws up a definitive way to help them and their family.
It is important to treat the poor as anyone, without feeling that causes shock, pain or personal weakness, because we are all children of the creator.
Do not park in the vacancy left disabled can be an attitude of respect, dedication and love to respect people who need this vacancy left for them.
It should even evaluate and see what they can do any good work that will be taught, and they can work normally like everyone else.
What you can see is that there are often obstacles found in many places that can cause embarrassment to the poor.
However he is a human being like any of us that we also have our faults and errors common in our day to day.
The future ruler of this country should assess and develop a better way to better treat the poor, because many companies are already moving in this regard it is important for all disabled people alike.
Living in harmony is something effective and should be worked better for everyone (indiscriminately) we have our chance, and the disabled person should also be treated like anyone else.
- Adilson Luiz Lemes -
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